Dead programming languages

These are programming languages that have been abandoned by developers for various reasons. Some of these languages were created with a specific purpose in mind, while others failed to gain traction among programmers and were eventually forgotten.

Some examples of dead programming languages include Ada, ALGOL 58, BASIC-PLUS, COBOL 74, FORTRAN 66, Lisp 1.5, Logo and Pascal. Each of these languages had its own unique features or design goals that made it suitable for specific tasks. For example, Ada was designed with the intention of being an easily programmable language for large-scale computer systems, while Logo was intended to be a versatile teaching language.

Five programming languages

These are programming languages that are still in use today, and often remain popular among developers due to their ease of use and ability to adapt to changing needs. Examples of these languages include Java, Python, C, JavaScript, and Ruby. Each of these languages has its own strengths and weaknesses, but they all offer the same basic features: code readability, portability, scalability, and extensibility.

Each language has its own benefits, such as Java’s object-oriented capabilities and Python’s simple syntax. Developers have to decide which programming language is the best fit for their projects based on these characteristics. Ultimately, it depends on the developers’ preferences and project needs.  In some cases, a combination of multiple languages might be needed to get the job done.  No matter which language is chosen, it’s important to ensure that the code is well-written and secure.  Writing clean, efficient code is essential for any successful programming project.


Erlang is a general-purpose, concurrent programming language designed by Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding in 1986. It was originally created to be used in telecoms applications but has since found use in other areas such as web development, embedded systems, mobile apps and databases. Erlang is known for its scalability, fault tolerance and real-time responsiveness, making it an attractive choice for developers. Erlang also offers a wide range of libraries and tools that simplify the development process. While Erlang is no longer actively developed, it remains popular among a small but dedicated user base.


Haskell is an advanced, purely functional programming language developed by computer scientist Lennart Augustsson in 1990. It has a strong type system, which is designed to prevent many common errors that occur in other languages. Haskell also offers a wide range of libraries and tools for developers and provides support for multiple platforms. Despite its popularity among some programmers, Haskell is not widely used, and it is considered to be a dead language.

Visual Basic

Visual Basic was created by Microsoft in 1991 as a general-purpose, event-driven programming language for developing graphical user interfaces. It quickly gained popularity due to its intuitive syntax and the ease with which beginners could learn the language. However, Visual Basic is no longer actively developed and many developers have shifted to newer languages such as C++ and Java.


Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language created by Brad Cox and Tom Love in 1983. It combines the power of C with an easy to use object-oriented syntax, making it a popular choice for developing applications on Apple platforms. Despite its popularity among developers, Objective-C has been largely replaced by Apple’s own Swift language.


Perl is an interpreted, high-level programming language created by Larry Wall in 1987. While Perl has been widely used for system administration and web development tasks, its popularity has declined in recent years due to its complexity and the emergence of more modern languages such as Python and Ruby. Despite this, Perl remains a popular choice for some developers, and it is still actively developed.

Our conclusion

In conclusion, each of these five programming languages has its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Developers must decide which language is the best fit for their projects based on their individual needs and preferences. No matter what language is chosen, writing clean and efficient code is essential for any successful programming project.  It’s important to keep in mind that a combination of multiple languages may be needed in some cases, so developers should be aware of all the available options.

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